Our team of very knowledgeable Guides at AWNC will be updating our blog with exciting news of bird sightings, fascinating exploratory trips with our expert Field Guides, plus interesting news that will entice you to trek to our corner of the world. We promise you entertainment, good fun and we hope, sufficient reason to come visit us!
Be sure to subscribe to our blog, to ensure new posts reach your inbox.
With Warm Caribbean Hospitality,
Janine Aqui
Manager, Lodge Operations
Janine: What an awesome Blog! I can really identify with the three posted outings to the Bat Caves, TPG on the North Coast and Caroni Swamp. I have enjoyed these outings and sightings many times, but it seems so long ago. Wish I was with you. Looking forward to similar reports on future outings, beautifully crafted by Molly, Mike, Dave or whomever. The photos are informative and essential too. BTW, we have created a similar Blog of outings of the Delta Nats Casual Birders (DNCB's) that I lead in British Columbia which you guys might find interesting and amusing. Check it out at: www.dncb.wordpress.com. Thanks again, Janine (and Mike, Dave, Mukesh, etc), for creating this super addition to the Asa Wright Nature Centre venue. Cheers: Tom Bearss, AWNC Board Member and President of the Delta Naturalists' Society