Friday, 15 June 2012

East Coast Birding: Nariva

Nariva, a full day trip to the southeastern side of the island for an introduction to different habitats that are closely related to one another. The trip left Asa Wright Nature Centre promptly at 8:30am on a rainy morning with cloudy skies. We proceeded to the Aripo Livestock Research Station, a beautiful farm with lovely open grasslands, where the bird watching is easy. While there, we sighted about 25 species of grassland birds, water birds and birds of prey.

Wattled Jacana.

Wilson Snipe perched on a fence post.

Savannah Hawk.

A Caiman lurking in a nearby pond.

After a couple of hours of good birding we left the grasslands and started making our way towards the eastern coastline - Atlantic Ocean, passing through the old Spanish towns of Valencia, Sangre Grande, Sangre Chiquito and Manzanilla, where we meet the ocean. At the Manzanilla Beach Facility, hot lunch was served. The facility is equipped with picnic tables, restrooms, and life guards, for the adventurous swimmers; though not recommended when the sea is rough.

Checking the Frigates out at sea...the great Atlantic Ocean.

Life Guard post on the beach.

...could it be a bird.

North view of the beach.

Black Vulture.

Satisfied after a delicious lunch, we hit the road, making our way to the Nariva Swamp, passing through the old coconut plantations. Birds of prey were plentiful. The Red Howler Monkeys are sometimes seen near the Nariva River...not on this trip though, no luck here.

On our way to Nariva after lunch.

Coconut estate along the way to the Nariva.

One of the many Savannah Hawks.

The entire area is now considered a Ramsar Site (protected wetland). In this area, we stopped close to the mangroves, spotting kingfishers, antshrikes and antbirds.

Nariva Swamp Ramsar site sign.

Looking down the Nariva River.

Tributary from the Nariva Swamp.

Where the Nariva River meets the Alantic.

Turning inland, we enter the village of Kernaham, where rice was cultivated many years ago. After many years of toiling the land, enduring tough conditions, with not much profit realised, the rice crops were abandoned, leaving many Reid beds, available for water birds, like the Pinnated Bitterns, Azure Gallinules and many more water birds. Another 25 species spotted within this village.

One of the many lilies, this is the Egyptian Red Water Lilly (Nymphaea Rubra). 

Flowering Zinnias.

Cast net fishing in the canal.

As the day wound down, we retraced our drive and headed for the old American airfield - Wallerfield, used during the World War II, as a base for refuelling cargo planes and to keep an eye on the Panama Canal. In this area, an extension of the Aripo Savannah, Moriche Palms were planted. These palms encouraged Macaws, other grassland species, rare flycatchers and the very rare, endangered Moriche Oriole.

Canal at Wallerfield with young Moriche Palms.

Ixora in bloom.

On the look-out for the Moriche Oriole.


Our evening closed with the setting sun as we headed back to AWNC around 6:45pm.

Sunset hour as we leave Wallerfield.

Twilight kaleidoscope of colours.

...and some more pics...

Healthy looking Red Holsteins and a Brahman Bull relaxing.

Asian Buffaloes and Buffalypso.

Lunch is served.

On the road again.

Seek and we did find.

Heliconias...abundant along the road.

Another view of the Nariva River.

Birding at the Nariva River mouth.

Great birding...the smile says it all.

Forestry Nariva Office and Fire Watch Tower.

Antique tractor and farming accessories.

Vertical canal gates in Kernaham.

Field Guide,

Nariva Trip Bird Sighting
-Cocoa Woodcreeper, -Cattle Egret, -Gray-breasted Martin, -Carib Grackle, -Southern Lapwing, -Orange-winged Parrots, -Savannah Hawk, -Fork-tailed Flycatcher, -Red-breasted Blackbird, -Smooth-billed Ani, -White-winged Swallow, -Tropical Kingbird, -Yellowed-hooded Blackbird, -Green-rumped Parrotlet, -Purple Gallinule, -Wilson Snipe, -Great Kiskadee, -Black Vulture, -White-headed Marsh Tyrant, -Grassland Yellow-Finch, -Wattled Jacana, Ruddy Ground-Dove, -Blue-black Grassquit, -Ringed Kingfisher, -Blue-gray Tanager, -Ruddy-breasted Seedeater, -Short-tailed Swift, -Tropical Mockingbird, Yellow-chinned Spinetail, -Shiny Cowbird, -Great Egret, -Rock Pigeon, -Plumbeous Kite, -Short-tailed Hawk, -Yellow Oriole, -Giant Cowbird, White-winged Swallow, -Striated Heron, -Magnificent Frigatebird, -Brown Pelican, -Sanderling, -Yellow-headed Caracara, -Turkey Vulture, -Palm Tanager, -American Pygmy Kingfisher, -Golden-fronted Greenlet, -Black-crested Antshrike, -Great Kingfisher, -Silvered Antbird, -Rufous-breasted Wren, -Gray Hawk, -Zone-tailed Hawk, -Pinnated Bittern, -Common Black-Hawk, -Crested Caracara, Crested Oropendola, -Fork-tailed Palm-Swift, -Sulphury Flycatcher, -Red-bellied Macaw, -Turquoise Tanager, -Blue Dacnis and
-Epaulet Oriole (Moriche).

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